Want To Outsource Ebook Writing? 100 Things That Nobody Will Tell You

EBooks do not need an introduction in today's age. When I wrote my first full-length ebook, I planned to title it Writing Blog Content. EBooks are books that are published online. Ebook whizkids that make 6 figure incomes from ebooks do exist but they are in short supply and you have to be super-dedicated to earn that kind of cash from a low-cost product like an ebook.

There is also the option of using Createspace for creating and distributing print books. After all, there are different ways you can go about writing an eBook, editing, publishing it, and selling it. Take the time to make your eBook one of the most complete and authoritative resources on your subjects.

My expenses are minimal: I pay $5 to e-junkie each month to deliver my ebooks — and yes, that's a static fee no matter how many ebooks I sell — and 2.9 percent plus 30 cents for each transaction to PayPal for collecting the funds (and slightly more for digital products international purchases), which works out to about $1 for each $24 ebook.

EBook writing and publishing are definitely a self-rewarding business for any individual. The DPS ebooks each focus on a topic the audience wants to know more about — with titles like Life in Natural Light and Captivating Color. In order to get $2.09 in royalties with a book priced at $0.99, you'll have to sell 6 books.

Most were generic title ideas, such as Making Money Matter.” Ultimately, I chose to title the book, Don't Be a Mule: Ways to Save More, Spend Less and Generate Income in Your Everyday Life.” There is no way to measure how much profit was directly attributable to the creative title, but it's safe to say the eye-catching title drew at least a few people in to take a closer look.

If you sell on Amazon, you're expected to price ebooks like everyone else does, generally between $2.99 - $9.99. But if you sell on your own website, you can set your price however you like, from $2.99 all the way up to $59 or more, which can mean earning a lot more per ebook.

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